The Royal Children’s Hospital National Child Health Poll of 1434 parents who care for 2553 children, found a range of barriers which may impact on the willingness of parents to attend a testing clinic for their child. Of these parents, almost three quarters (74 per cent) were concerned the COVID-19 test might be stressful, painful or uncomfortable for their child, with 30 per cent indicating these worries are very likely to stop them from taking their child to have a test.
Of the children who had been tested for covid, 79% of children had experienced distress associated with covid testing.
Additionally, 32% of parents said that the idea of getting their child tested and having to keep them isolated at home would be overwhelming, and 31% said it is a hassle to take their child for a COVID-19 test. The stigma attached to a positive test also deterred some parents, with 40% indicating that they may not take their child for a test due to fears of what people would think if their child tested positive.